Legal stuff
Here comes the legal stuff...
This website is © Copyright Wendell G. Sweet 2010-2013.
The content is strictly my own. Any reference to actual living persons places, situations or events is purely coincidental.
No part of this Website may be reproduced by any means, electronic, print, scanner or any other means and, or distributed
in any manner without the authors permission.
Permission is granted to use short sections of text in reviews or critiques in standard or electronic print..
While Editing the Diaries and Journals of the characters on the Earth's Survivors Website
not all entries were used and entries that were used may not have
been used in their entirety and or content may have been paraphrased. This was necessary due to space constrictions for those
entries in the book and the same will most likely be true for subsequent books in the series. However I did and will continue
to preserve the Journals and Diaries in their original state. They can be read in their entirety at the Earth Survivors web site:
All Lyrics, Songs, Artwork or other material on this Website is the property of the respective Copyright owners as
posted either in the text or on the image.
You may download and use the Images or Lyrics for your personal enjoyment. You may pass on copies of the images or lyrics
to other individuals.
You may not use Images or Lyrics or any other content from this Website for any Commercial purpose without the Copyright owners
Direct all inquiries to the author at
I use Apache Open Office as my word processor of choice. I write everything with it because of the features and ease of use.
You can find it online as a free download, or it is linked on my main
links page, or you can click
Here - Open Office. Support it by purchasing the add-ons.
Copyright © 2012 Apache Software Foundation.
All rights reserved.
I use Gimp 2.8 to create the covers for my books and the graphics and image maps for the websites as well as some stuff you will see
in other series and on other book related websites I own or partner with other writers in ownership of or content creation of.
Gimp is also a free download.
Copyright © 1995-2012
Spencer Kimball, Peter Mattis and the GIMP Development Team.
Foolish stuff
I had a little space to fill in this table. Of course I could have just deleted the table and ran the text
but where would the fun be in that?
I was talking to my son Joe the other night. He told me about an upcoming book project
that would focus on Zombies. So I sat down and wrote a Zombie story and did some artwork for it and sent it to him. I'd
love to show you that artwork and let you read the story but Forsaken Press will be releasing that book and you will have to
keep track of it on Joe's site.
The point is I kicked up Gimp to see if I could create a zombie strictly electronicly. I use Gimp to enhance my Ink or
Graphite work but you can do more with it than that. So I snagged my Author Bio pic and zombied it up.
A little work and some filters and 'Baz
(I like Big Bang Theory and the Walking Dead)