Lyrics Copyright © Wendell G. Sweet 2012 ♪ ♫ ♪ Date Written; 12-02-2012
Song Title: Jane. Style: Alt
Verse One
Jane.............. have you ever thought about me..........and you.......the way that I do.......
Jane.............. do you know the rains rain and you're not so near..........
Did you know that time still passes............. when you look at life through tinted glasses ...... And all
the things I thought that I could be.... got wrapped up in me...... without you............ Jane.....
Short Acoustic piece...... Electric Guitar over... crying..........
Verse Two
This winter is....... stealing the heart right out of me.... just the cold and the telephone... me alone....
I..... send you.... mails on the wire... careful when I say what I say... must be some other way....
Did you know that time still passes............. when you look at life through tinted glasses ...... And all
the things I thought that I could be.... got wrapped up in me...... without you............ Jane.....
Long Instrumental acoustic piece...... Electric Guitar background... crying..........
Nineteen sixty two.... what's it got to do with me and you.... Think it was the first time I saw you....
Smiled like you always do.. what's it got to do with anything... Think it was the first time I … fell
in love with you... and I..... Still feel the same.... and I really need to talk to you again......
Hook w/ Xtro
Did you know that time still passes............. When you look at life through tinted glasses ...... And
all the things I thought that I could be....Got wrapped up in me...... Without you............ Jane.....
…. Got wrapped up in me..... I couldn't see..... Jane.....
Why I Wrote It:
I have thought about writing this song for a while now, but there are a great many reasons not to write it and so I didn't. Then I had a week that just floored me. Death, sadness, life changes, and I thought part of what rules me is that I don't address the things I should. I don't write what I should when I should, and if something is true then it's true. It doesn't matter where it goes or if it ever slips past a thought, it only matters that it was there, you felt it, and you wrote it out... If you write, if you love, then you know what I am talking about. If you don't, well, you should and then it will all become self explanatory... I really can't say much more about this song except it is already a favorite because of where, in me, it came from...