Lyrics Copyright © Wendell G. Sweet 2011 ♪ ♫ ♪ Date Written; 08-17-2011


Song Title: Listen to me. Style: Alt


Verse 1

I am only standing in your light, strike my match and shoot the pipe. Say I am moving too slow to exist, got too many problems to list... How can I fix this...


Hook 1

I ain't got no roots in this life...

I am, living on the edge of goodnight...

I ain't got no stake in this world...

Listen to me... listen to me, girl...


Verse 2

Standing just outside the main gate. Buy my ticket and pick my fate.. It's a fast life in the breakdown lane, trying to be sane... Missed the train...


Hook 2

I ain't got no roots in this town...

I am... sick of hanging around...

Got at least a thousand other places to be...

Wont you... Won't you listen to me...


Verse 3

Run river run to the sea, what you think you gonna do with me? I ain't possessing anything that you need. Been free, but I ain't been freed... From what you need....


Instrumental _________________________ Long Lead ______________________________


Verse 4

Dance, dance, til the sun comes up. I been... Drinking coffee by the cup. Keeping my eyes open ain't solved anything. Still can't tell down from up. Maybe I... need another cup...


Hook 3 w/xtro

I ain't got no claim to your love...

Pick it up and send it on above...

I ain't got no stake in this world...

Listen to me... Listen to me, girl...

Listen to me...

Listen to me...

Listen to me, girl...


Why I Wrote It:

It is one of those songs you get.