Lyrics Copyright © Wendell G. Sweet 2012 ♪ ♫ ♪ Date Written; 06-16-2012


Song Title: Love in a Minor Key. Style: Alt


Verse 1

Jamie loves Maria … … but … … she tries not to let it show... … … You know...

Maria works in a little club downtown. Jamie waits in the alley by the door... It's all she knows...

They live two blocks south in a little walk up... They have their hopes and dreams... Right now it's down, soon it'll be up... That's just the way life goes...


Instrumental---------------------------------------- Transition ------------------------------------------------------


Verse 2

Maria dreams about dancing on the big stage... When she works it's so real... You know the deal...

She does her share of waiting tables... Dances as a fill-in... waiting for a regular gig to come along...

She smiles at the men, but it's not her thing... She tells herself she doesn't have a thing... Wonders if it's true... Thinks she's in love, but... she could be wrong...


Hook #1

And sometimes the nights are slow... She'd like to pack her locker up and go... ...

But she thinks of all her hopes and dreams... Love... How it feels... What it means...


Instrumental--------------------------------------------------- Lead -------------------------------------------------


Verse 3

Tuesday brings their day together... … Sometimes... ... life needs to let you be... … You see...

And they take a bus to the park. Clear on the other side of the river where they've never lived.

Only come to look. Spread a blanket on the hill... Watch the clouds in the deep blue sky... Listen to the children play... It all seems possible, like a story in a book...


Hook #2

And the day goes by so fast... Jamie holds her... wishes for a way to make it last...

Tells her that she loves her so... When Maria smiles it's the only thing she wants to know...


Instrumental--------------------------------------------------- Lead -------------------------------------------------


Verse 3

It's late in the evening laying in the big bed. Maria lets the music from the radio run through her head...

The day is cooling off... A little breeze tickles the curtains... Jamie laughs and she can feel it running through her veins...

She turns her head, watching the sky darken outside her windows. Jamie's arms slip around her and pull her close as they listen to the rains...


Hook #3

And evening slips into nighttime... The scent of rain, wandering through her mind...

Her eyes slip closed. Thinks about her love. Listens to the falling rain. Thanks God above...


Instrumental--------------------------------------------------- Lead -------------------------------------------------


Why I Wrote It:

It's 6:00 AM as I finish this. I awoke at 4:30 AM with it in my head. I thought I would lose it as I worked out and then took my shower, but it stayed there so I came back after and wrote it out. It's a good story song that tells a good story...

After I wrote this I realized that I could have written it about Kate my main character in the Earth's Survivors books. The first book starts with something very similar to this.